Thank you, Saanich!

20 people standing in a living room cheer and hold up Dean signs.

What a night! We were glued to the screen; frantically hitting "refresh" until the final poll results were in!

Then we let out a great big cheer!

The celebration is all thanks to your generous support and encouragement.

We got this campaign started nearly a year ago. Last night's result was the product of a year-long effort to knock on thousands of doors and hear from as many people across Saanich as we could reach.

I am so humbled and honoured to win the support of Saanich voters. I am looking forward to meeting with the newly-elected Council to get started on the term ahead of us.

There's a lot of work to do. But let's take a moment to celebrate this incredible effort. We did this together!

I am so grateful to my family for their support throughout this incredible journey. I am truly fortunate to have their love and encouragement through these many long days.

One person deserves a special shout out at the end of this campaign. You may not have met her, but the person at the helm of this campaign ship is Naomi Devine, our incomparable campaign manager. I could not have pulled this off without her. How fortunate I am to know her and luckier still that she agreed to take on this enormous challenge. Thank you so much, Naomi!

We ran a campaign with integrity and heart. The kind of campaign I am proud my kids could see and be a part of. A campaign that we can all be so proud of.

Thank you so much for joining me on this journey. Let's celebrate a job well done!

Thank you,
